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Blog ~ A Few Words from Dr. Goodpet - avocado

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Avocado, the not-so-healthy fat Yes, this deliciously creamy green fruit (believe it or not, it’s actually a fruit!) is packed with human-healthy fats, nutrients and fiber. While it's true that most vegetables can be a great addition to the canine diet, avocados are not. They contain a substance called persin which can be toxic if consumed in large amounts. All the more reason to make sure you cover up that bowl of guacamole you left sitting on the dining room table, for your dog’s sake.

Chocolate should be avoided at all costs I’m sure all you dog-owners out there have heard it before, “never let your dog eat chocolate, it’s very bad for them.” Well, anyone who ever preached that message is absolutely correct. Almost all chocolate, even white and especially dark varieties, is toxic to dogs due to the presence of a cacao-seed-alkaloid called theobromine. Even in small amounts, this substance can cause tremors and seizures in addition to vomiting and diarrhea. Theobromine can be so toxic to the canine system that consumption has the potential to cause abnormal heart rhythm, even death in some cases. Bottom line, never leave any chocolate-containing foods out with a pooch in the house.

Milk doesn’t always do a body good Here’s a hypothetical, let’s say a scoop of ice cream falls off your cone and onto the kitchen floor, should you let your pup lick it up? As tempting as it may be, absolutely not! Milk based products are to be avoided at all times, saving you and your furry companion from the potential of immediate diarrhea and upset stomach. Milk and dairy consumption in canines also sets the table for future allergic reactions to other foods, often resulting in excessive scratching and itching.

Give a dog a bone, just make sure it’s raw Never let your dog near cooked bones of any kind, no exceptions. Chewing on cooked bones can cause them to splinter off into sharp, dangerous shards causing damage to the teeth and gums. If swallowed, whether big or small, the sharp bone-splinters can wreak havoc on the throat and can cause further internal damage if swallowed. On the other hand, raw animal bones are not only a safe and tasty treat, they also have the added benefit of helping to maintain dental health.   

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